Fish processing in Portugal: an industry in expansion
March 8, 2018This paper presents an analysis of developments in the Portuguese fish processing industry from the 1960s to the present as well as prospects for future expansion. In this period, Portugal has undergone tremendous political and macroeconomic changes. While Portugal used to be nearly self-sufficient in the supply of fish, the country has become a net importer of this commodity. These changes have also affected fish processing. Moreover, the development of the industry has been promoted in several different ways both by the EU and the government of Portugal. Fish processing has expanded in recent decades gaining market share in the domestic market for processed products at the expense of imports. Furthermore, Portugal has now become an important exporter to several countries, for instance gaining a market share of more than 40% for salted and dried cod in Brazil.
Click here to go to the paper by Trond Bjørndal, Ana Brasão, Jorge Ramos, Amalie Tusvik.
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