Viewing 9 posts categorized under Corporate Finance

The mandatory adoption of IFRS in Europe, non-adoption vs. non-compliance

February 18, 2025

The average large company comprises many legal entities acting together: a group. Accountants prepare consolidated financial statements for the group, as though it was a single entity. EU regulations require the consolidated statements of companies listed on EU-regulated stock exchanges to apply International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). However, academic research shows that many listed companies in Europe do not apply IFRS. Publications in North America suggest that much of this is illegal, including non-compliance by 28% of UK companies.

Business group affiliation and product market competition

January 7, 2025

Literature on internal capital markets has shown the importance of internally generated funds (i.e. funds from cash-rich establishments) in overcoming financial constraints at the firm level. Likewise, business groups may flourish on account of cash-rich divisions. This paper studies the effect that business groups have on market concentration, entry, and survival of recent entrant firms. Using the market share of business group firms as a proxy for the influence of business groups on product market competition, the paper finds:

The rise of the walking dead: zombie firms around the world

November 10, 2023

The macroeconomic implications of unproductive and unviable zombie firms have returned to the forefront of the public debate during the Covid-19 pandemic, as the unprecedented public support to firms may have helped these zombie firms stay afloat. The presence of zombie firms creates important negative spillover effects to healthy firms operating in the same industry: zombie firms distort the competition in the markets in which they operate, ultimately depressing market prices and raising market wages, which crowd out the profits of healthy firms.

Multinationals and services imports from havens: when policies stand in the way of tax planning

March 16, 2023

Multinational groups have been in the spotlight because of their activities that shift profits to tax havens, allowing them to minimize corporate tax bills in high-tax countries. The literature has documented several strategies used by multinationals to shift profits. This paper studies one strategy for which systematic empirical evidence is relatively scarce: the use of intra-group services transactions. Under this route, the firms of the group located in high-tax countries may artificially inflate their costs by paying expensive fees for services (e.

Government support measures in Portugal during the COVID-19 pandemic

October 11, 2022

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Portuguese government provided a plethora of different support measures for firms. These included state-guarantees for new loans and a public moratorium for existing ones. These measures have been essential to support firms in the most acute phase of the crisis by providing liquidity at reduced costs in a context of an abrupt increase in the level of risk. However, there are still open questions regarding the medium- to long-term impact of these measures.

The struggle of small firms to retain high-skill workers

July 18, 2022

Small knowledge firms struggle to keep their best employees: highly-skilled workers are needed for growth and success, but small firms cannot hold onto them. Advanced knowledge increases the productivity of skilled workers. Because large firms are more innovative and technological, this knowledge-skill complementarity may be different for small and large firms. This paper applies discrete-time proportional hazards models with unobserved heterogeneity for several worker skill measures and human capital accumulation, interacted with firm-size categories and industry knowledge-intensity to ascertain how knowledge-skill complementarities are influenced by firm size.

Giving zombie firms a second chance

June 22, 2022

The survival of less productive firms hampers the aggregate productivity growth in most developed economies as they consume resources that would be more productive elsewhere. Stimulated by the forbearance of creditors and inefficient insolvency regimes, the zombie phenomenon is generally believed to weaken business dynamism. The paper analyses how the 2012 institutional reforms related to insolvency and prudential supervision of credit institutions, introduced by the Portuguese and European Authorities, have reduced the share of zombie firms in the economy, and how they have impacted the growth of aggregate productivity.

Loan guarantees and their implications for post-COVID-19 productivity

June 22, 2022

Many countries introduced or ramped-up loan guarantee schemes to bridge liquidity shortages as a key element of the policy response to the COVID-19 crisis. The analysis in this paper discusses the potential short and medium-term effects on productivity of loan guarantees via reallocation, relying on historical data on European firms. The findings suggest that, absent policy support, the COVID-19 shock had the potential to seriously distort market selection, as it would have raised sharply the probability to face financial difficulties across the whole distribution of firm-level productivity.

Earnings management dynamics in Portuguese listed firms

June 23, 2017

There are several incentives to engage in earnings management, which managers need to consider. Likewise, there are different ways to drive earnings and cash flows in a certain direction. Given the complex context in which firms operate, earnings management may be seen has a continuous and iterative process characterized by a mixture of incentives and practices. This research studies earnings management in Portuguese listed firms. The paper addresses two main strategies, namely real management and accrual management.
